Science and Research in FNUSA
Science and research is – in addition to providing care for patients and teaching – the main activities of faculty hospitals. The goal of science and research is to find and verify new ways of diagnosis and treatment so that a particular patient is safe. Virtually all clinical departments of the St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno are involved in science and research. Whether in the form of academic studies or studies supported by pharmaceutical companies. A specific position in the organizational structure of the hospital is the International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA-ICRC), which is specifically focused on research (more:
The University Hospital has a number of partners in science and research, the nearest is naturally the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University, but it also cooperates with other faculties of MU and other scientific and research organizations in Brno, the whole Czech Republic and the world.
In case of further interest, please contact the Deputy for Science and Research ( or directly to FNUSA-ICRC (kontakt:
Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Šrámek, Ph.D.
Deputy for Science and Research